A Guidline for Proper Window Film Maintenance

February 15th, 2013

     Have you just recently got the windows tinted on your vehicle, home or office and are in need of further information pertaining to the maintenance of your new film? Then look no further, we at All American Window Tinting, Inc., are here to explain the basic care instructions for maintaining the function, quality and beauty of your window film. 
Your authorized dealer will install your window film using a specially formulated mounting solution. During the installation process, your dealer will remove as much of the mounting solution as possible although a small amount will remain. Trapped installation moisture can cause small water bubbles and/or a slightly cloudy look, this is normal and should be expected and can take up to 30 days to completely dry out. Do not attempt to pierce a water bubble during the drying period. Water bubbles and a cloudy look will eventually dissipate. Attempting to pierce a water bubble in an effort to drain moisture will damage your film.


Cold and cloudy weather conditions can lengthen the film drying time. Warm weather and direct sun light will accelerate the drying time. If slow drying occurs, do not become alarmed. The trapped moisture will dry out completely. Thicker films and less than perfect drying conditions will lengthen the dry-out period. Drying times can vary from a few days to as much as 6 months.


Do not clean the film sooner than 30 days after installation. This will help to ensure proper curing of the special adhesive to the glass. When cleaning, spray window cleaner directly on the glass. Then take a clean soft cloth or a high-quality paper towel and wipe the spray away with left to right sweeping motions. When finished, run the paper towel around the edges of the windows to pick up excess moisture and debris.


Use any normal household glass cleaning solution or plain soapy water. Do not use any solution that contains abrasive material, e.g. baking soda. Be careful not to use sharp instruments that could cut or gouge the film.

A clean soft cloth or high-quality paper towel is recommended for cleaning the window tint, followed by another clean soft cloth or soft rubber squeegee for drying. Do not use abrasive materials to clean your film. Avoid using bristle brushes, abrasive scrubbing sponges or any other cleaning materials that could scratch the film. Some brands of paper towels are coarse enough to put fine scratches on the film. While these scratches may be too subtle to see in the beginning, they can damage the polished look of the film over time.
DO NOT roll your windows down for 3 – 5 days.  Depending on weather conditions.  DO NOT use the rear defroster for 24 hours.

Drying time could take up to 30 days.  However,  in Colorado with the dry climate the drying process should only take about 1 week.  This drying time is called the curing process. You may notice little tiny water bubbles during the first few weeks . Please do not attempt to press on or pierce these bubbles.  Eventually all the bubbles and moisture  you see will start to evaporate and eventually disappear.

After 30 days you can clean your windows with a soft cotton cloth and avoid any abrasive or ammonia cleaners. We recommend a quart of water with a couple of drops of dish soap or baby shampoo. If the cleaner starts to streak you have added too much soap.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office at 303-936-1362 or visit our website for answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, https://www.allamericanwindowtinting.com/QandA/.